9 Expert Tips for Planning the Perfect Kitchen Tea

A kitchen tea, or bridal shower, as it is sometimes referred to, is a very exciting day in any bride-to-be’s life and therefore we know as her bridesmaid, friend, sister or mother, you want to make it a special day that she will remember forever.

With over 15 years experience in the food and hospitality industry, the professional staff at Vineyard on the Hill Guest House in Nelspruit has a few expert tips on how to make planning a kitchen tea, quite literally, a piece of cake.

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Our Homemade Rusks Have our Guests Returning for More

If there is one thing our team knows how to do, it is making you feel at home. In working to achieve this, there are many things we love to do to make our guests feel 100% comfortable and happy, but one of our favourite ways is by treating them to our homemade rusks.

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